Brandon carter's keto diet hacks : Ultimate guide to ketogenic diet

Author(s) : Brandon carter

Description :

After nearly 20+ years of trying every diet I could find, nothing gave me the right balance of the needs I described above. I was either getting ripped but compromising my energy levels, or getting tons of energy but losing my gains. That was until I found what I believe to be the “Holy Grail” of all diets, which is the Ketogenic Diet.

When you’re in Ketosis, your body creates “Ketones” which are only The Ketogenic diet focuses on keeping your body produced when you’re eating in “Ketosis”. high amounts of fat, very low amounts of carbs I’ll get into all the details in the following chapters, but just and a gentle amount know that once your body is in ketosis, your body will become of protein. a god damn fat burning terminator. 

Just imagine a mini Arnold Schwarzenegger robot in your body, constantly shooting off your body fat throughout the day. While the scientists are a bit behind on conclusions (as they always are) study after study is showing the massive health benefits of doing Keto. These include higher energy levels, healthier skin, faster recovery from training and even cancer prevention.

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Brandon carter's keto diet hacks : Ultimate guide to ketogenic diet Brandon carter's keto diet hacks : Ultimate guide to ketogenic diet Reviewed by Healthy Life on October 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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